Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

Due to the introduction of new media, privacy and confidentiality have honestly started to decrease even more. Our privacy before the Internet was a lot more; now it is close to non-existent. The way that new media has diminished our privacy is through creations of things such as social medias, smartphones, and even just the Internet in general. The issue with social media is that, now a days people post everything relevant about their lives on their social medias. This makes it very easy for someone to either stalk you or steal your identity. People post pictures of themselves, what their plans are, and even that they're not going to be home for a month because of vacation. Posting all about your plans and what you're doing on a certain day with your life is dangerous because it can lead to someone breaking into your house and stealing from you. With smartphones, they can act as a tracking device, depending on your settings, your smartphone actually keeps track of everywhere you've been. This geo-tracking function on your smartphone keeps accurate logs of where you've been at a certain time and for how long. This loss of privacy can lead people to being paranoid because it makes it feel as if someone is watching you or following you. Lastly, the Internet is also one of the new media's that impact our privacy because of it's function and what people can do with it. If you're unaware of what you're downloading off of the Internet someone can hack into your system and steal information that may be relevant. This constant change of new media and improvements to technology in a sense is dangerous if you're unaware of what's going on, that's why it's highly recommended to keep up with things like this.

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