Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blog About Twitter

A twitter discussion compares to a Blackboard discussion in the sense that both consist of the basic, people communicating with each other, and that both can be set to private, so that only certain people are able to view them. Both Twitter and Blackboard can be used as mediums for people to share their viewpoints, and then have others read it and comment on it whether they wish. A difference between Blackboard and Twitter is that, on Twitter you tweet your thoughts, but you are limited to 140 characters, so you have the option of tweeting your thoughts concisely in the given limit, or tweeting multiple times. On the other hand, in Blackboard, there is no limit on how much you can type (at least that I have experienced), unless specified in instructions, and because of this you can put a lot of detail in your post at once opposed to having to break it up into segments. Another difference between Twitter and Blackboard is that, Blackboard has a nicer user interface in the sense that all the posts are visible at once, opposed to Twitter, if many people are retweeting something, you have to go a wild goose chase.
You can say that Twitter is like an in-class discussion because it allows people to voice their opinion and then get feedback on it or hear someone else's opinion. One major difference is that an in-class discussion is a lot more organized than compared to Twitter. It can get pretty chaotic when you have 30 people retweeting multiple tweets that may get controversial. But in a class discussion it is easier to organize as you can give people time and a fair chance to express their ideas.

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